Warning: This websited has been archived

This website has been archived and is no longer being updated nor will it have any ads. The website will remain online for historical purposes. For more information, please contact us at helpmehelpgaza@gmail.com


378,000 people are starving in Gaza

Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC). Read More

Supporting Gaza Families: Turning Clicks into Aid

Welcome to HelpMeHelpGaza, a platform dedicated to making a positive impact in the lives of families in Gaza. Our mission is simple: leverage the power of online advertising to generate funds for charities that provide essential support to those in need.

How It Works

  1. Ad Revenue for Good: By visiting our site and engaging with the content, you contribute to the ad revenue we generate.
  2. Transparent Giving: Every penny earned through advertising is donated to reputable charities that focus on aiding families in Gaza. We believe in complete transparency, and our financial records are openly available for scrutiny.
  3. Community-Driven Impact: The more traffic we receive, the more funds we can raise. Share our website with your friends, family, and social networks to amplify the impact.

Join the Movement

Your simple act of visiting this site can make a significant difference. Help us support Gaza families by spreading the word and actively participating in our mission.

You can also check out the Open HelpMeHelpGaza Extension which is an extension that opens this website on the browser so you can help families in Gaza everytime you open your browser

Together, we can turn online clicks into real-world aid.

(we do not support nor recommend products or services shown in ads on this page. act with caution)

Wall of Hope

Send a message of hope to the people of Gaza. Your message will be displayed on our Wall of Hope.

(please keep messages positive and respectful, note that your messages will need to be verified by the site admin to appear on the page)
Message has been submitted and is awaiting approval!


• I have an issue, suggestion or a question where can I submit those?

You could report issues or post suggestions in the Github issues page and we will look into as soon as we can. For questions you can email us and we will answer as soon as possible